====== DOUT Module ====== ===== General Informations ===== A DOUT module is a digital output module, usually used to drive LEDs with a Midibox. * [[http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_dout.html|DOUT Module]] uCApps\\ * [[DIN & DOUT Pintable]] \\ Note that hardware pin's will be counted D7 - D0 / O7 - O0 / QH - QA. In contrast, pins for DIN modules will be counted D0 - D7.\\ Refer the DIN & DOUT Pintable to see the relation between software pin numbers and hardware pins. \\ ===== Connection to Core Module ===== Check the version of your Boards; if you’re using SmashTV’s Core that’s equipped with double rows, you can build a split-cable to connect J8/J9 to a DIN and a DOUT: {{http://www.audiocommander.de/picBrowser/galleries/070707_ACSensorizer/CORE_DIN_DOUT_J8J9_Cable.png}}