\\ Because the information in the SpeakJet Manual is relatively wide spreaded, this page gives a quick overview of the control possibilities of the Speakjet: \\ ====== MSA (Mathmatical Sound Architecture) ====== MSA commands are stored in the 64-Byte input buffer and are executed in the order they are received. ===== MSA Controls ===== An 'X' indicates that a second number should follow as parameter. ==== Pause Control ==== 000: Pause 0 ms\\ 001: Pause 100 ms\\ 002: Pause 200 ms\\ 003: Pause 700 ms\\ 004: Pause 30 ms\\ 005: Pause 60 ms\\ 006: Pause 90 ms\\ 016: Wait // Watch out! Waits for event input line or SCP-Start command!//\\ 030: Delay, X // number of 10 ms intervals to delay before continuing on to the next code, accepts 0-255//\\ ==== Next Sound Control ==== 007: Play next sound fast\\ 008: Play next sound slow\\ 014: Play next sound high\\ 015: Play next sound low\\ ==== Volume/Pitch/Speed/Bend Control ==== 020: Volume, X // sets Master Volume Level, accepts 0-127//\\ 021: Speed, X // Play Speed, default 114, accepts 0-127//\\ 022: Pitch, X // Pitch in Hertz, only for voiced sounds, default 88, accepts 0-255 (=32kHz..240kHz)//\\ 023: Bend, X // Sets the Frequency Band (from deep hollow to high metallic), default 5, accepts 0-15//\\ ==== Port Control ==== 024: PortCtr, X // binaurally encoded output line control, see manual for details, default 7, accepts 0-7//\\ 025: Port, X // port output value, see manual for details, default 0, accepts 0-7//\\ ==== Phrase Control ==== 026: Repeat, X // repeats the next code x-times, accepts 0-255//\\ 028: Call Phrase, X // which EEPROM phrase to play, max 3 level deep nesting//\\ 029: Goto Phrase, X // which EEPROM phrase to play//\\ 255: End of Phrase ==== Reset ==== 031: Reset Defaults \\ ===== MSA Sound Codes ===== 128..254: MSA Sound Phrases and Effects, see [[SpeakJet Definition List]]. \\ \\ ====== SCP (Serial Control Protocol) ====== SCP commands are executed immediately and provide control over the 5-channel synthesizer as well as accessing the internal speakjet EEPROM. \\ ===== Entering SCP ===== '\0' to enter SCP ==== SCP Commands ==== 'H': Store Memory Type //accepts 0 and 32//\\ * '0H': Write a register's value\\ * '32H': Write to the internal EEPROM\\ 'J': Memory Address\\ * '0J': Envelope Freq\\ * '1J': OSC1 Freq .. '5J': OSC5 Freq\\ * '6J': Distortion\\ * '7J': Master Volume\\ * '8J': Envelope Control\\ * '11J': OSC1 Vol .. '15J': OSC5 Vol\\ 'N': Store Memory\\ 'R': Clear Buffer\\ 'S': Stop Enounciating\\ 'T': Start Enounciating\\ 'V': ACK\\ 'W': Hard Reset\\ \\ ===== Exiting SCP ===== 'X' or '\A'\\ \\ ===== Examples ===== \0 V X*\\ //Enters SCP-Mode, enounciates READY and exits SCP-mode// 8J 0N 1J 500N 11J 16N*\\ //1st OSC freq 500 and vol 16// 0J 32H 01N*\\ //write 0x1 to the first location of internal EEPROM// 8J 00N*\\ //set env-type to SAW// 8J 10N*\\ //set env-type to TRIANGLE// //* Don't send spaces, this is just for readability!//