Table of Contents

Changing DOUT pins in mbSID v2


If you're like me, you'd rather change the software mapping of the output (LED) pins than wire everything according to the original schematic - which may not even be possible due to differences in the CS. This HowTo will demonstrate one of the many ways to change the mapping according to your own wiring. This HowTo is only meant to change LEDs which are connected to individual pins. With LEDs connected as a matrix this will not work.

Difficulty level:

Required actions:

Affected files [1]:

Required software:

Step-by-Step description

1. Finding the correct pins

2. Changin the source code

	;; this LED will work
	DOUT_ENTRY	CS_MENU_MODE, 0,			1,	4	; Shift LED
	;; this LED has been removed by commenting out
	;; DOUT_ENTRY	CS_MENU_MODE, 0,			1,	4	; Shift LED

3. (Optional) Additional predefined LEDs

4. Recompile