MIDI Device Routing

The MIDI Device Routing window allows you to forward and filter MIDI streams to any MIDI port. At the top of the list you will always find the virtual 'In' and 'Out' ports. These are the ports to which MIDI data has to be routed when you want to send messages, monitor ports, etc.

On the left hand side the 'readable' MIDI ports are listed. Readable ports are MIDI devices that data can be read from such as physical MIDI In ports, virtual software MIDI In ports and the virtual Out port that is used by all components of the program to send MIDI data.

On the right hand side the 'writeable' MIDI ports are listed. Writeable ports are MIDI devices that data can be sent to such as physical MIDI Out ports, virtual software MIDI Out ports and the virtual In port that is used by all components of the program to receive MIDI data.

Multiple connections can be routed between ports, and all connection can be seperately filtered. Selecting two connected MIDI ports and clicking the Filter button will bring up the MIDI Filter dialog.

Ports can be connected/disconnected/filtered by either: 'dragging and dropping' one port on to another; right-clicking on a port and selecting another port on the pop-up menu; highlighting a port from either list and using the buttons below.