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======encyclopedia====== ===== A ===== [[absorption]]\\ [[AC]]\\ [[active filter]]\\ [[ADC]]\\ [[Address Bus]]\\ [[AGC]]\\ [[AI]]\\ [[alphanumeric]]\\ [[AM]]\\ [[AMP]]\\ [[amperage]]\\ [[ampere]]\\ [[amplifier]]\\ [[amplitude]]\\ [[analog]]\\ [[anode]]\\ [[ANSI]]\\ [[antenna]]\\ [[Appletalk]]\\ [[array]]\\ [[array]]\\ [[ASCII]]\\ [[assembler]]\\ [[assembly language or assembler]]\\ [[astable]]\\ [[ATA]]\\ [[ATAPI]]\\ [[attenuation]]\\ [[AUI]]\\ [[AWG]]\\ [[Active Component]]\\ [[Aerial]]\\ [[AF (Audio Frequency)]]\\ [[ammeter]]\\ [[AND]]\\ ===== B ===== [[backplane]]\\ [[bandwidth]]\\ [[base]]\\ [[battery]]\\ [[baud]]\\ [[BCD]]\\ [[BER]]\\ [[beta]]\\ [[bi-directional]]\\ [[binary]]\\ [[binary file]]\\ [[bios]]\\ [[biploar]]\\ [[bit]]\\ [[bitrate]]\\ [[blackout]]\\ [[board]]\\ [[Boolean]]\\ [[boot]]\\ [[bootstrap]]\\ [[BPS]]\\ [[brownout]]\\ [[BTU]]\\ [[buffer]]\\ [[bug]]\\ [[BUS]]\\ [[BUS cycle]]\\ [[BUS width]]\\ [[byte]]\\ [[bridge rectifier]]\\ [[Back Electromotive Force (back emf)]]\\ [[Bipolar Transistor]]\\ [[Bistable]]\\ [[Bottoming]]\\ [[Bridge]]\\ [[bypass capacitor]]\\ ===== C ===== [[capacitance]]\\ [[capacitor]]\\ [[carrier sheet]]\\ [[Cat 5 or Category 5]]\\ [[cathode]]\\ [[CBR]]\\ [[CCD]]\\ [[CCD]]\\ [[CCTV]]\\ [[Celsius]]\\ [[Central Processing Unit]]\\ [[Centronics]]\\ [[charge]]\\ [[chassis]]\\ [[Chassis Ground]]\\ [[checksum]]\\ [[chip]]\\ [[chipset]]\\ [[choke]]\\ [[circuit]]\\ [[circuit board]]\\ [[circuit breaker]]\\ [[CISC]]\\ [[clock]]\\ [[clock rate]]\\ [[CMA]]\\ [[CMIL]]\\ [[CMOS]]\\ [[coax]]\\ [[coercivity]]\\ [[coil]]\\ [[cold start]]\\ [[collector]]\\ [[comparator]]\\ [[compile]]\\ [[compiler]]\\ [[compliant]]\\ [[component]]\\ [[conductor]]\\ [[contact]]\\ [[continuity]]\\ [[coulomb]]\\ [[CPLD]]\\ [[CPU (Central Processing Unit)]]\\ [[CRC]]\\ [[cross assembler]]\\ [[crosstalk]]\\ [[CRT]]\\ [[current]]\\ [[cutoff frequency]]\\ [[cycle]]\\ [[Cascade]]\\ [[Ceramic capacitor]]\\ [[complementary transistor]]\\ [[condenser]]\\ ===== D ===== [[data]]\\ [[data rate]]\\ [[daughter board]]\\ [[dB]]\\ [[DB25]]\\ [[DB9]]\\ [[DC]]\\ [[debug]]\\ [[decibel]]\\ [[decimal]]\\ [[decrement]]\\ [[delta connection]]\\ [[Delta Transformer]]\\ [[demodulation]]\\ [[dielectric]]\\ [[differential amplifier]]\\ [[digital]]\\ [[digital signal]]\\ [[DIN]]\\ [[diode]]\\ [[DIP]]\\ [[DIP switch]]\\ [[DMA]]\\ [[driver]]\\ [[DSP]]\\ [[DSR]]\\ [[DTMF]]\\ [[DTR]]\\ [[duplex]]\\ [[darlington pair]]\\ [[diode drop]]\\ [[dipole]]\\ [[direct coupled amplifier]]\\ [[discrete]]\\ [[distortion]]\\ ===== E ===== [[Earth Ground]]\\ [[EEPROM]]\\ [[EIA]]\\ [[EIA-232]]\\ [[EIDE]]\\ [[EISA]]\\ [[electrode]]\\ [[electromagnetic]]\\ [[electron]]\\ [[embedded system]]\\ [[EMF]]\\ [[emitter]]\\ [[EOL]]\\ [[EPROM]]\\ [[even parity]]\\ [[ECL]]\\ [[electrolytic]]\\ [[exclusive or]]\\ ===== F ===== [[F]]\\ [[Fahrenheit]]\\ [[farad]]\\ [[fault]]\\ [[FCC]]\\ [[FET]]\\ [[Fiber optics]]\\ [[filter]]\\ [[firmware]]\\ [[flash]]\\ [[FM]]\\ [[FPGA]]\\ [[FPIC]]\\ [[frame]]\\ [[frequency]]\\ [[full duplex]]\\ [[fuse]]\\ [[feedback]]\\ [[flip flop]]\\ [[Full Scale Deflection FSD]]\\ ===== G ===== [[gain]]\\ [[gate]]\\ [[gauge]]\\ [[ghz]]\\ [[glitch]]\\ [[ground]]\\ [[ground plane]]\\ ===== H ===== [[half duplex]]\\ [[handshake]]\\ [[hardware]]\\ [[hardwired]]\\ [[harmonic]]\\ [[heatsink]]\\ [[henry]]\\ [[hertz]]\\ [[HEX or hexadecimal]]\\ [[high or hi]]\\ [[hz]]\\ ===== I ===== [[I2C]]\\ [[IC]]\\ [[IDE]]\\ [[IEE]]\\ [[IEEE]]\\ [[impedance]]\\ [[increment]]\\ [[inductance]]\\ [[inductor]]\\ [[Industry Canada]]\\ [[infrasound]]\\ [[initialization]]\\ [[install]]\\ [[installation]]\\ [[instruction]]\\ [[insulator]]\\ [[integrated circuit]]\\ [[interface]]\\ [[interpreter]]\\ [[interrupt]]\\ [[I/O]]\\ [[IR]]\\ [[IrDA]]\\ [[IRQ (Interrupt Request)]]\\ [[ISO]]\\ [[interference]]\\ [[inverter]]\\ ===== J ===== [[JEDEC]]\\ [[jitter]]\\ [[junction]]\\ [[JFET]]\\ ===== K ===== [[KB or Kilobyte]]\\ [[KCMIL]]\\ [[Kelvin]]\\ [[kernel]]\\ [[kilobyte]]\\ [[kludge]]\\ [[KVA]]\\ [[KW]]\\ [[KWH]]\\ ===== L ===== [[latency]]\\ [[LCD]]\\ [[LDR]]\\ [[LED]]\\ [[legacy]]\\ [[library]]\\ [[linear]]\\ [[line filter]]\\ [[line noise]]\\ [[LM555]]\\ [[logic]]\\ [[logic board]]\\ [[low (or LO)]]\\ [[low level language]]\\ [[LPF]]\\ [[l-c oscillator]]\\ [[leakage]]\\ [[loudspeaker]]\\ ===== M ===== [[machine language]]\\ [[macrocell]]\\ [[matrix]]\\ [[MB]]\\ [[megabyte (MB)]]\\ [[memory]]\\ [[mercury]]\\ [[MFM]]\\ [[mhz]]\\ [[microcode or P-code]]\\ [[microfarad]]\\ [[microprocessor]]\\ [[microsecond]]\\ [[MIL]]\\ [[millisecond]]\\ [[minute]]\\ [[modulation]]\\ [[mods]]\\ [[monostable]]\\ [[MTBF]]\\ [[multimeter]]\\ [[multiplexer]]\\ [[megohm]]\\ [[microphone]]\\ [[MOSFET]]\\ [[MOS]]\\ [[multivibrator]]\\ ===== N ===== [[NAND]]\\ [[nanosecond]]\\ [[NDA]]\\ [[NE555]]\\ [[nibble]]\\ [[noise]]\\ [[NO/NC]]\\ [[Non-Disclosure Agreement (or NDA)]]\\ [[non-volatile]]\\ [[NOR]]\\ [[NOT]]\\ [[NPN]]\\ [[N-type]]\\ [[NVRAM (or NOVRAM)]]\\ [[nybble]]\\ [[negative feedback]]\\ ===== O ===== [[objects]]\\ [[Object Oriented Programming - OOP]]\\ [[OCR]]\\ [[octal]]\\ [[odd parity]]\\ [[OEM]]\\ [[OHM]]\\ [[OOP]]\\ [[Opamp]]\\ [[OR]]\\ [[OST]]\\ [[Ohm's Law]]\\ [[oscillator]]\\ [[output]]\\ ===== P ===== [[packet]]\\ [[parallel]]\\ [[parameter]]\\ [[parity]]\\ [[parse]]\\ [[patch]]\\ [[PCB]]\\ [[PC Card]]\\ [[PCI]]\\ [[PCM]]\\ [[PCMCIA]]\\ [[P-Code]]\\ [[Perl]]\\ [[petabyte]]\\ [[phase]]\\ [[photoconductor]]\\ [[photodiode]]\\ [[phototransistor]]\\ [[pico]]\\ [[picosecond]]\\ [[PIO]]\\ [[pixel]]\\ [[PLA]]\\ [[PLD]]\\ [[plug-and-play or PnP]]\\ [[PNP]]\\ [[polarity]]\\ [[port]]\\ [[power]]\\ [[power supply]]\\ [[PQ]]\\ [[program]]\\ [[programmer]]\\ [[programming language]]\\ [[proportional amplifier]]\\ [[protocol]]\\ [[PROM]]\\ [[P-type]]\\ [[passive component]]\\ ===== Q ===== [[Q]]\\ [[queue]]\\ ===== R ===== [[rail]]\\ [[rail]]\\ [[RAM]]\\ [[random access memory - RAM]]\\ [[reactance]]\\ [[rectifier]]\\ [[rectify]]\\ [[register]]\\ [[relay]]\\ [[resistance]]\\ [[resistor]]\\ [[reverse polarity]]\\ [[RF]]\\ [[RFID]]\\ [[RG-6]]\\ [[RG-8]]\\ [[RG-58]]\\ [[RG-59]]\\ [[RG-62]]\\ [[RISC]]\\ [[RJ-11]]\\ [[RJ-45]]\\ [[RMS]]\\ [[ROM]]\\ [[routine]]\\ [[RS-232]]\\ ===== S ===== [[sag]]\\ [[schematic]]\\ [[Schottky]]\\ [[SCR]]\\ [[SCSI]]\\ [[SE555]]\\ [[second]]\\ [[semi-conductor]]\\ [[serial]]\\ [[series]]\\ [[signal]]\\ [[software]]\\ [[solid state]]\\ [[spike]]\\ [[SPLD]]\\ [[stack]]\\ [[static]]\\ [[static electricity]]\\ [[subroutine]]\\ [[substrate]]\\ [[subtractor]]\\ [[surge protector]]\\ [[switch]]\\ [[synchronous]]\\ [[syntax]]\\ ===== T ===== [[terabyte]]\\ [[thermistor]]\\ [[thyristor]]\\ [[toggle]]\\ [[token]]\\ [[trace]]\\ [[transformer]]\\ [[transistor]]\\ [[transponder]]\\ [[trap]]\\ [[triac]]\\ [[tunneling]]\\ [[tweak]]\\ ===== U ===== [[UART]]\\ [[UDMA]]\\ [[UHF]]\\ [[UHV]]\\ [[UI]]\\ [[ultraviolet]]\\ [[UMID]]\\ [[Unicode]]\\ [[unipolar]]\\ [[USB]]\\ [[UV]]\\ ===== V ===== [[VA]]\\ [[vacuum tube]]\\ [[variable resistor]]\\ [[VHF]]\\ [[VMEbus]]\\ [[volt]]\\ [[voltage divider]]\\ [[VOM]]\\ [[VOX]]\\ ===== W ===== [[watt]]\\ [[wavelength]]\\ [[wire]]\\ ===== X ===== [[X10]]\\ [[Xon/Xoff]]\\ [[XOR]]\\ ===== Y ===== [[yagi]]\\ ===== Z ===== [[Z]]\\ [[Z80]]\\ [[Zener]]\\ [[zeroing]]\\ [[zero wait state]]\\ [[zif]]\\

encyclopedia_entries.1142975626.txt.gz · Last modified: 2006/10/15 09:35 (external edit)