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PIC Burner or JDM modules are used to program Bootstrap loader to the PIC. It's also possible to buy PIC with pre-burned bootstrap loader. (recommended, see [[where_to_order_components]]) * [[pic_burner|PIC Burner]] * [[jdm|JDM Module]] (expired!) but also working Module to Burn all PICs (16F877,16F88,18F452 & 18F4620) * [[]] contains a section, where a PIC18->PIC16 Adapter for PIC Burner is described * [[HowTo program a PIC]] * [[PIC Brennen|Hilfe beim PIC Brennen]] * [[How to select a PIC ID Header]]

pic_programmer_modules.1162808399.txt.gz · Last modified: 2006/11/06 10:27 (external edit)