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MIDIbox Tools Various Midiboxers use their programming knowledge to make programs which are usefull for other midiboxers. If you have made a MIDIbox related tool, post a description and link here! MIOS Studio MIOS Studio is an integrated development environment for MIOS. MIDI Clock sender/receiver, SysEx Upload Tool and Editors (by Serge) Note: The SysEx loader and the editors have been programmed for the old PIC16F based MIDIboxes and don't support all the features of the MIOS based MIDIbox64/MIDIbox64E. The SysEx upload tool doesn't work with MIOS based MIDIboxes yet, please use MIDI-Ox and the mk_syx script instead. MIOS versions of Serge's SysEx Upload Tool and Editors CLCD character editor made by Captain Hastings GLCD font editor made by Captain Hastings SIDstation patch reader made by JobeC MIDIbox64/64E Bankchanger made by Didifeed MIDIbox Patch Manager by TL, tool to manage the patches of MidiBox? SID & FM MIDIbox SID VSTi made by S.M.

tools_made_by_midiboxers.1139178966.txt.gz · Last modified: 2006/10/15 09:35 (external edit)