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universal_control_editor_documentation_english [2006/12/31 06:13] (current) – created - external edit
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 +====== Universal Control Java Editor documentation ======
 +Framework for adding content from [[|here]], which will need to be imported page by page, then tidied up from the [[|automated German-English translation.]]
 +For consistency please use the [[UCDocTemplate|Template]] and  [[UCDocSectionTemplate|Section Template]]
 +Next: [[UCDocIntro|Introduction]] Up:    Previous:    **[[universal_control_editor_documentation_english|Contents]]**\\
 +===== Contents =====
 +==== Introduction ====
 +  * [[UCDocIntro|Introduction]]
 +    * [[UCDocAbstract|Abstract]]
 +    * [[UCDocMIDIBasics|MIDI Basics]]
 +==== Controller -> Software Interconnection ====
 +  * [[UCDocInterconnect|Interconnection of MIDI Controller and Editor Software]]
 +    * [[UCDocSetup|Setup]]
 +    * [[UCDocFunctionsController|Functions of the MIDI Controller]]
 +    * [[UCDocFunctionsEditor|Functions of the Software Editor]]
 +    * [[UCDocProtocolMemory|Protocol / Memory distribution]]
 +==== Software Structure ====
 +  * [[UCDocStructure|Structure of the control software]]
 +    * [[UCDocMainProgram|Main program]]
 +    * [[UCDocSoftwareOverview|Overview]]
 +    * [[[[UCDocCommFrontBack|Communication with front and back end]]
 +    * [[UCDocFundamentalFunctions|Fundamental functions]]
 +    * [[UCDocBackend|Backend]]
 +    * [[UCDocFrontend|Frontend]]
 +==== Results ====
 +  * [[UCDocResults|Results]]
 +    * [[UCDocProblems|Problems / View]]
 +==== Bibliography ====
 +  * [[UCDocBiblio|Bibliography]]
 +Next: [[UCDocIntro|Introduction]] Up:    Previous:    **[[universal_control_editor_documentation_english|Contents]]**\\
universal_control_editor_documentation_english.txt · Last modified: 2006/12/31 06:13 by