Detailed Description
SD Card is accessed via SPI1 (J16) or alternatively via SPI2 (J8/9) A bitbanging solution (for using alternative ports) will be provided later.
The card has to be supplied with 3.3V!
The SDIO peripheral is not used to ensure compatibility with "mid density" devices of the STM32 family, and future derivatives != STM32
MIOS32_SDCARD_Init(0) has to be called only once to initialize the driver.
MIOS32_SDCARD_CheckAvailable() should be called to connect with the SD Card. If 0 is returned, it can be assumed that no SD Card is connected. The function can be called periodically from a low priority task to retry a connection, resp. for an auto-detection during runtime
MIOS32_SDCARD_SectorRead/SectorWrite allow to read/write a 512 byte sector.
If such an access returns an error, it can be assumed that the SD Card has been disconnected during the transfer.
Since DMA is used for serial transfers, Reading/Writing a sector typically takes ca. 500 uS, accordingly the achievable transfer rate is ca. 1 MByte/s (8 MBit/s)
08 Jan 2009: Modified by philetaylor to add MMC and HCSD support also added a first attempt at using a mutex to allow sharing of SPI0 between SD cards and ENC28J60 ethernet. If used in this way, SD card must be inserted at poweron and will not be recognised if inserted after. Hopefully a fix will be found for this!
Define Documentation
#define CT_SDC (CT_SD1|CT_SD2) |
#define SDCMD_APP_CMD (0x40+55) |
#define SDCMD_APP_CMD_CRC 0xff |
#define SDCMD_GO_IDLE_STATE (0x40+0) |
#define SDCMD_GO_IDLE_STATE_CRC 0x95 |
#define SDCMD_READ_OCR (0x40+58) |
#define SDCMD_READ_OCR_CRC 0xff |
#define SDCMD_READ_SINGLE_BLOCK (0x40+17) |
#define SDCMD_SEND_CID (0x40+10) |
#define SDCMD_SEND_CID_CRC 0xff |
#define SDCMD_SEND_CSD (0x40+9) |
#define SDCMD_SEND_CSD_CRC 0xff |
#define SDCMD_SEND_IF_COND (0x40+8) |
#define SDCMD_SEND_IF_COND_CRC 0x87 |
#define SDCMD_SEND_OP_COND (0x40+1) |
#define SDCMD_SEND_OP_COND_CRC 0xf9 |
#define SDCMD_SEND_OP_COND_SDC (0xC0+41) |
#define SDCMD_SEND_STATUS (0x40+13) |
#define SDCMD_SEND_STATUS_CRC 0xaf |
#define SDCMD_SET_BLOCKLEN (0x40+16) |
#define SDCMD_WRITE_SINGLE_BLOCK (0x40+24) |
Function Documentation
s32 MIOS32_SDCARD_CheckAvailable |
( |
u8 |
was_available |
) |
If SD card was previously available: Checks if the SD Card is still available by sending the STATUS command.
This takes ca. 10 uS
If SD card was previously not available: Checks if the SD Card is available by sending the IDLE command at low speed.
This takes ca. 500 uS!
Once we got a positive response, MIOS32_SDCARD_PowerOn() will be called by this function to initialize the card completely.
Example for Connection/Disconnection detection:
u8 sdcard_available;
s32 SEQ_FILE_CheckSDCard(void)
u8 prev_sdcard_available = sdcard_available;
sdcard_available = MIOS32_SDCARD_CheckAvailable(prev_sdcard_available);
if( sdcard_available && !prev_sdcard_available ) {
} else if( !sdcard_available && prev_sdcard_available ) {
return 0;
- Parameters:
[in] | was_available | should only be set if the SD card was previously available |
- Returns:
- 0 if no response from SD Card
1 if SD card is accessible
Reads the CID informations from SD Card
- Parameters:
[in] | *cid | pointer to buffer which holds the CID informations |
- Returns:
- 0 if the informations haven been successfully read
-error if error occured during read operation
-256 if timeout during command has been sent
-257 if timeout while waiting for start token
Reads the CSD informations from SD Card
- Parameters:
[in] | *csd | pointer to buffer which holds the CSD informations |
- Returns:
- 0 if the informations haven been successfully read
-error if error occured during read operation
-256 if timeout during command has been sent
-257 if timeout while waiting for start token
s32 MIOS32_SDCARD_Init |
( |
u32 |
mode |
) |
Initializes SPI pins and peripheral to access MMC/SD Card
- Parameters:
[in] | mode | currently only mode 0 supported |
- Returns:
- < 0 if initialisation failed
s32 MIOS32_SDCARD_PowerOff |
( |
void |
) |
Disconnects from SD Card
- Returns:
- < 0 on errors
- Todo:
- not implemented yet
s32 MIOS32_SDCARD_PowerOn |
( |
void |
) |
Connects to SD Card
- Returns:
- < 0 if initialisation sequence failed
s32 MIOS32_SDCARD_SectorRead |
( |
u32 |
sector, |
u8 * |
buffer | |
) |
| | |
Reads 512 bytes from selected sector
- Parameters:
[in] | sector | 32bit sector |
[in] | *buffer | pointer to 512 byte buffer |
- Returns:
- 0 if whole sector has been successfully read
-error if error occured during read operation:
Bit 0 - In idle state if 1
Bit 1 - Erase Reset if 1
Bit 2 - Illgal Command if 1
Bit 3 - Com CRC Error if 1
Bit 4 - Erase Sequence Error if 1
Bit 5 - Address Error if 1
Bit 6 - Parameter Error if 1
Bit 7 - Not used, always '0'
-256 if timeout during command has been sent
-257 if timeout while waiting for start token
s32 MIOS32_SDCARD_SectorWrite |
( |
u32 |
sector, |
u8 * |
buffer | |
) |
| | |
Writes 512 bytes into selected sector
- Parameters:
[in] | sector | 32bit sector |
[in] | *buffer | pointer to 512 byte buffer |
- Returns:
- 0 if whole sector has been successfully read
-error if error occured during read operation:
Bit 0 - In idle state if 1
Bit 1 - Erase Reset if 1
Bit 2 - Illgal Command if 1
Bit 3 - Com CRC Error if 1
Bit 4 - Erase Sequence Error if 1
Bit 5 - Address Error if 1
Bit 6 - Parameter Error if 1
Bit 7 - Not used, always '0'
-256 if timeout during command has been sent
-257 if write operation not accepted
-258 if timeout during write operation
s32 MIOS32_SDCARD_SendSDCCmd |
( |
u8 |
cmd, |
u32 |
addr, |
u8 |
crc | |
) |
| | |
Sends command to SD card
- Parameters:
[in] | cmd | SD card command |
[in] | addr | 32bit address |
[in] | crc | precalculated CRC |
- Returns:
- >= 0x00 if command has been sent successfully (contains received byte)
-1 if no response from SD Card (timeout)