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FIXME Elaborate and add details ====== Developing MIOS Apps with Eclipse ====== ===== Overview ===== Eclipse IDE is a platform-independent development environment. However, you'll need a number of other tools that are not platform independent. You'll need GPUTILS and SDCC to compile for the PIC micro-controller. Please fallback to following guides depending on your platform to get the necessary installation informations: * Windows : [[windows_toolchain_quickstart|Windows Toolchain Quickstart]] * Mac OS X : [[Installing GPUTILS and SDCC on OSX]] * Linux : [[Installing GPUTILS and SDCC on Gentoo Linux]] Along with GPUTILS and SDCC we will install [[|Eclipse IDE]] and the Eclipse [[|C/C++ Development Tools]] (aka CDT). Finaly, we will install the [[|EclipseSDCC]] plugin that integrates the open source Small Device C Compiler (SDCC) within the Eclipse/CDT. **__WARNING__** Please note that EclipseSDCC is only compatible to **Eclipse 3.1** yet. This means that you'll need a dedicated fresh 3.1 version in case you have a 3.3 for other uses. This page will be updated when a new version of the EclipseSDCC plugin will be available. ===== Install Eclipse IDE and CDT ===== * [[|Download the correct Eclipse "Platform Runtime Binary" for your platform]] (lots of platforms are available) * Unzip it in the appropriate directory. * Launch Eclipse * Select the directory where your projects will be hosted * Open the Update Manager (Help > Software Updates > Find and Install...) * Select "Search for new features to install" and press "Next" * Click "New Remote Site..." and enter the "" as the update site URL. * Press "Finish" * Select the CDT update site miror * Check the "Eclipse C/C++ Development Tools" node and press "Next" (the "SDK" feature is for those who wants to extend CDT...) * Accept the term in the licence agreements * Optionaly change the CDT location (or leave it in your eclipse distro) and press "Finish" ===== Install EclipseSDCC plugin ===== * Quit Eclipse * [[|Download the correct EclipseSDCC binary for your platform]] * Extract the archive in a temp directory tar xvzf net.sourceforge.eclipsesdcc-1.0.0-linux.gtk.x86.tar.gz * Copy contents of the features/ directory to the features/ directory of your eclipse install and do the same for plugins. cd net.sourceforge.eclipsesdcc-1.0.0-linux.gtk.x86/ cp -R features/* /opt/eclipse-3.1.2/features/ cp -R plugins/* /opt/eclipse-3.1.2/plugins/ * Relaunch Eclipse Now we are done with installation. We now have to configure Eclipse properly. ===== Configure Eclipse ===== ===== Create a new project =====

howto_app_dev_eclipse_ide.1234635590.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/02/14 18:19 by stryd_one