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a MIDI-to-control voltage converter project

MBHP Hardware Requirements

1 CORE module, 1 analog output module (AOUT, AOUT_LC, or AOUT_NG), 1 DINX1 module.

Recommended: LCD, BankStick.


Proposals for additional functions in future firmware versions

(Please add your ideas here:)

  • One Page Up, one Page Down button should replace the Select button for faster selection of CV output
  • variable pulselength of gate outs depending on velocity
  • Use individual CV-Outs for dynamic (eg velocity dependant) triggers or gates
  • Adress note on to different trigger outs, depending on “velocity zones”, eg to turn on accent or glide by velocity
  • Save different settings
  • “Rotate” note assignment in Poly mode (select “four voices” for example, then outputs 1-4 will rotate, advancing always with the next note. “Random” would also be nice. See: Oberheim 4-Voice.)
  • Vibrato LFO. Freerunning LFO summed into oscillator note output, amount controlled by Mod Wheel or Aftertouch, with a user-selected maximum output amount. In addition to existing note/pitch wheel summing.
  • Support for realtime, encoder control of DIN Sync clock value (4 bars, 2 bars…1/4 notes, 1/4 note triplets, up to the maximum. See: Flame Clockwork. MIDI synch of LFO via this control would be wonderful.
midibox_cv_v1.1211042840.txt.gz · Last modified: 2008/05/18 17:28 (external edit)