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Novation Launchpad Button LED Matrix (BLM)

Link to Forum Discussion

Since firmware version 87, the SEQ V4 supports the use of two Novation Launchpads as a BLM control surface. Two Launchpads form a 16×8+X BLM, and up to four can be connected to make a full 16×16+X control surface.

The Launchpad BLM is implemented as a feature of the JUCE-based BLM emulator software. The launchpads don't connect to the SEQ directly. Instead, they connect to a computer running the JUCE BLM emulator - the emulator software acts as a translator, converting the BLM Protocol sysex messages into midi signals to light the LEDs on the Launchpad, and translating button presses on the Launchpad into a format the SEQ can understand.

Support for button grid controllers other than the launchpad may be possible in the future.


Download the latest firmware and upload it to your SEQ using MIOS Studio

Go to the MIDI > Misc. menu page on your SEQ V4. Set “BLM Scalar Port” to one of the USB Ports - I use USB4.

mididocs/seq/launchpadblm.1410744300.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/09/15 01:25 by borfo