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A PCRE internal error occured. This might be caused by a faulty plugin

====== OpenPAD Codeblock ====== {{:phatline:OpenPad-CodeBlock-3D-Front.jpg?210|}} {{:phatline:OpenPad-CodeBlock-3D-Back.jpg?210|}} {{:phatline:OpenPad-CodeBlock-PCB.jpg?210|}}\\ this is one essential part for my [[OpenPAD]]\\ it handles the Menue and the Buttons...\\ \\ ====== Shematic ====== {{:phatline:OpenPad-CodeBlock-Schema.jpg?600|}}\\ ====== Building and BOM====== THT, and handsolder\\ This PCB is needet 2x for [[OpenPAD]] ===== Order-List ===== copy following list into this [[|]] <WRAP center round box 60%> 652-PEC11R-4015F-S24|1\\ </WRAP> **Order from Reichelt:**\\ 5x [[|Button]]\\ 2x [[|PinHeader 2x5Pin Female]]\\ \\ **Order from Midiphy:**\\ 1x Knob Set[[|DK16-190V3 knob]] ====== To Do ====== waiting for the Prototype\\ ====== Community users working on it ====== * **[[Phatline]]** = PCB & Shematic, UI-Programming, Documentation...\\ Just let a Private message on the forum to user already involved.\\ or join the forum: [[|Triggermatrix 5]]\\

openpad-codeblock.1673223678.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/01/09 00:21 by phatline