


s32 FILE_Init (u32 mode)
s32 FILE_CheckSDCard (void)
s32 FILE_UpdateFreeBytes (void)
u32 FILE_VolumeSectorsPerCluster (void)
u32 FILE_VolumeCluster2Sector (u32 cluster)
s32 FILE_SDCardAvailable (void)
s32 FILE_VolumeAvailable (void)
u32 FILE_VolumeBytesFree (void)
u32 FILE_VolumeBytesTotal (void)
char * FILE_VolumeLabel (void)
s32 FILE_ReadOpen (file_t *file, char *filepath)
s32 FILE_ReadReOpen (file_t *file)
s32 FILE_ReadClose (file_t *file)
s32 FILE_ReadSeek (u32 offset)
u32 FILE_ReadGetCurrentSize (void)
u32 FILE_ReadGetCurrentPosition (void)
s32 FILE_ReadBuffer (u8 *buffer, u32 len)
s32 FILE_ReadBufferUnknownLen (u8 *buffer, u32 len)
s32 FILE_ReadLine (u8 *buffer, u32 max_len)
s32 FILE_ReadByte (u8 *byte)
s32 FILE_ReadHWord (u16 *hword)
s32 FILE_ReadWord (u32 *word)
s32 FILE_WriteOpen (char *filepath, u8 create)
s32 FILE_WriteClose (void)
s32 FILE_WriteSeek (u32 offset)
u32 FILE_WriteGetCurrentSize (void)
u32 FILE_WriteGetCurrentPosition (void)
s32 FILE_WriteBuffer (u8 *buffer, u32 len)
s32 FILE_WriteByte (u8 byte)
s32 FILE_WriteHWord (u16 hword)
s32 FILE_WriteWord (u32 word)
s32 FILE_Copy (char *src_file, char *dst_file)
s32 FILE_MakeDir (char *path)
s32 FILE_Remove (char *path)
s32 FILE_FileExists (char *filepath)
s32 FILE_DirExists (char *path)
s32 FILE_GetDirs (char *path, char *dir_list, u8 num_of_items, u8 dir_offset)
s32 FILE_GetFiles (char *path, char *ext_filter, char *file_list, u8 num_of_items, u8 file_offset)
s32 FILE_FindNextFile (char *path, char *filename, char *ext_filter, char *next_filename)
s32 FILE_FindPreviousFile (char *path, char *filename, char *ext_filter, char *prev_filename)
s32 FILE_SendSyxDump (char *path, mios32_midi_port_t port, u32 ms_delay_between_dumps)
s32 FILE_PrintSDCardInfos (void)
s32 FILE_SendErrorMessage (s32 error_status)
s32 FILE_BrowserHandler (mios32_midi_port_t port, char *command)
s32 FILE_BrowserUploadCallback_Init (s32(*callback_upload)(char *filename))


u32 file_dfs_errno
u8 file_copy_percentage

Detailed Description

File access layer for FatFS

Frontend functions to read/write files.
Optimized for Memory Size and Speed!

For the whole application only single file handlers for read and write operations are available. They are shared globally to save memory (because each FatFs handler allocates more than 512 bytes to store the last read sector)

For read operations it is possible to re-open a file via a file_t reference so that no directory access is required to find the first sector of the file (again).

NOTE: before accessing the SD Card, the upper level function should synchronize with a SD Card semaphore! E.g. (defined in tasks.h in various projects): MUTEX_SDCARD_TAKE; // to take the semaphore MUTEX_SDCARD_GIVE; // to release the semaphore

Define Documentation


Function Documentation

s32 FILE_BrowserHandler ( mios32_midi_port_t  port,
char *  command 

Handler for MIOS Studio Filebrowser accesses.
See $MIOS32_PATH/apps/controllers/midio128/src/terminal.c for usage example.

Here is the call graph for this function:

s32 FILE_BrowserUploadCallback_Init ( s32(*)(char *filename)  callback_upload  ) 

Installs the Browser Upload callback function which is executed whenever a file upload starts, and when it has been successfully finished.

[in] filename if != NULL, upload has been started for the given file, if NULL the upload has been finished.
This means: if the application should do anything with the uploaded file (e.g. auto-load), then it has to store the filename in a temporary variable!
s32 FILE_CheckSDCard ( void   ) 

This function should be called periodically to check the availability of the SD Card

< 0 on errors (error codes are documented in file.h)
1 if SD card has been connected
2 if SD card has been disconnected
3 if new files should be loaded, e.g. after startup or SD Card change

Here is the call graph for this function:

s32 FILE_Copy ( char *  src_file,
char *  dst_file 

This function copies a file

[in] src_file the source file which should be copied
[in] dst_file the destination file

Here is the call graph for this function:

s32 FILE_DirExists ( char *  path  ) 

Returns 1 if directory exists, 0 if it doesn't exist, < 0 on errors

Here is the call graph for this function:

s32 FILE_FileExists ( char *  filepath  ) 

Returns 1 if file exists, 0 if it doesn't exist, < 0 on errors

Here is the call graph for this function:

s32 FILE_FindNextFile ( char *  path,
char *  filename,
char *  ext_filter,
char *  next_filename 

Returns a file next to the given filename with the given extension if filename == NULL, the first file will be returned in next_filename

[in] path directory in which we want to search
[in] filename current file (if NULL, the first file will be returned)
[in] ext_filter optional extension filter (if NULL: no extension)
[out] next_filename the next file if return status is 1
< 0 on errors (error codes are documented in file.h)
1 if next file has been found
0 if no additional file

Here is the call graph for this function:

s32 FILE_FindPreviousFile ( char *  path,
char *  filename,
char *  ext_filter,
char *  prev_filename 

Returns a previous file of the given filename with the given extension if filename == NULL, no first file will be returned in prev_filename

[in] path directory in which we want to search
[in] filename current file (if NULL, the last file will be returned)
[in] ext_filter optional extension filter (if NULL: no extension)
[out] prev_filename the previous file if return status is 1
< 0 on errors (error codes are documented in file.h)
1 if previous file has been found
0 if no additional file

Here is the call graph for this function:

s32 FILE_GetDirs ( char *  path,
char *  dir_list,
u8  num_of_items,
u8  dir_offset 

Here is the call graph for this function:

s32 FILE_GetFiles ( char *  path,
char *  ext_filter,
char *  file_list,
u8  num_of_items,
u8  file_offset 

Here is the call graph for this function:

s32 FILE_Init ( u32  mode  ) 


Here is the call graph for this function:

s32 FILE_MakeDir ( char *  path  ) 

Creates a directory

Here is the call graph for this function:

s32 FILE_PrintSDCardInfos ( void   ) 

This function prints some useful SD card informations on the MIOS terminal

Here is the call graph for this function:

s32 FILE_ReadBuffer ( u8 buffer,
u32  len 

Read from file

< 0 on errors (error codes are documented in file.h)

Here is the call graph for this function:

s32 FILE_ReadBufferUnknownLen ( u8 buffer,
u32  len 

Read from file with unknown size

< 0 on errors (error codes are documented in file.h)
>= 0: value contains the actual read bytes

Here is the call graph for this function:

s32 FILE_ReadByte ( u8 byte  ) 

Read a 8bit value from file

< 0 on errors (error codes are documented in file.h)

Here is the call graph for this function:

s32 FILE_ReadClose ( file_t file  ) 

Closes a file which has been read File can be re-opened if required thereafter w/o performance issues

< 0 on errors (error codes are documented in file.h)
u32 FILE_ReadGetCurrentPosition ( void   ) 

Returns current file pointer of the write file

u32 FILE_ReadGetCurrentSize ( void   ) 

Returns current size of write file

s32 FILE_ReadHWord ( u16 hword  ) 

Read a 16bit value from file

< 0 on errors (error codes are documented in file.h)

Here is the call graph for this function:

s32 FILE_ReadLine ( u8 buffer,
u32  max_len 

Read a string (terminated with CR) from file

< 0 on errors (error codes are documented in file.h)

Here is the call graph for this function:

s32 FILE_ReadOpen ( file_t file,
char *  filepath 

opens a file for reading Note: to save memory, one a single file is allowed to be opened per time - always use FILE_ReadClose() before opening a new file! Use FILE_ReadReOpen() to continue reading

< 0 on errors (error codes are documented in file.h)

Here is the call graph for this function:

s32 FILE_ReadReOpen ( file_t file  ) 

reopens a file for reading

< 0 on errors (error codes are documented in file.h)

Here is the call graph for this function:

s32 FILE_ReadSeek ( u32  offset  ) 

Changes to a new file position

< 0 on errors (error codes are documented in file.h)

Here is the call graph for this function:

s32 FILE_ReadWord ( u32 word  ) 

Read a 32bit value from file

< 0 on errors (error codes are documented in file.h)

Here is the call graph for this function:

s32 FILE_Remove ( char *  path  ) 

Removes a file or directory

Here is the call graph for this function:

s32 FILE_SDCardAvailable ( void   ) 
1 if SD card available
s32 FILE_SendErrorMessage ( s32  error_status  ) 

Send a verbose error message to MIOS terminal

s32 FILE_SendSyxDump ( char *  path,
mios32_midi_port_t  port,
u32  ms_delay_between_dumps 

This function sends a .syx file to given MIDI out port

Here is the call graph for this function:

s32 FILE_UpdateFreeBytes ( void   ) 

This function updates the number of free bytes by scanning the FAT for unused clusters.
should be called before FILE_Volume* bytes are read

Here is the call graph for this function:

s32 FILE_VolumeAvailable ( void   ) 
1 if volume available
u32 FILE_VolumeBytesFree ( void   ) 
number of available bytes
u32 FILE_VolumeBytesTotal ( void   ) 
total number of available bytes
u32 FILE_VolumeCluster2Sector ( u32  cluster  ) 
the physical sector of the given cluster
char* FILE_VolumeLabel ( void   ) 
volume label
u32 FILE_VolumeSectorsPerCluster ( void   ) 
number of sectors per cluster
s32 FILE_WriteBuffer ( u8 buffer,
u32  len 

Writes into a file with caching mechanism (actual write at end of sector) File has to be closed via FILE_WriteClose() after the last byte has been written

< 0 on errors (error codes are documented in file.h)

Here is the call graph for this function:

s32 FILE_WriteByte ( u8  byte  ) 

Writes a 8bit value into file

< 0 on errors (error codes are documented in file.h)

Here is the call graph for this function:

s32 FILE_WriteClose ( void   ) 

Closes a file by writing the last bytes

< 0 on errors (error codes are documented in file.h)

Here is the call graph for this function:

u32 FILE_WriteGetCurrentPosition ( void   ) 

Returns current file pointer of the write file

u32 FILE_WriteGetCurrentSize ( void   ) 

Returns current size of write file

s32 FILE_WriteHWord ( u16  hword  ) 

Writes a 16bit value into file

< 0 on errors (error codes are documented in file.h)

Here is the call graph for this function:

s32 FILE_WriteOpen ( char *  filepath,
u8  create 

Opens a file for writing

< 0 on errors (error codes are documented in file.h)

Here is the call graph for this function:

s32 FILE_WriteSeek ( u32  offset  ) 

Changes to a new file position

< 0 on errors (error codes are documented in file.h)

Here is the call graph for this function:

s32 FILE_WriteWord ( u32  word  ) 

Writes a 32bit value into file

< 0 on errors (error codes are documented in file.h)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

Generated on 22 Jan 2016 for MIOS32 by  doxygen 1.6.1