Table of Contents

Developing Applications for MIOS

Developing custom applications for MIOS-driven Pic-Chips is very easy and straightforward:

This page covers the APPLICATION part as seen above.

When coding your app in C, the compiler will automatically include when necessary, the MIOS-enhanced SDCC-Libraries, but this will increase the code size(!).

If you stick to the provided functions coming with MIOS, you just have to learn the C-Syntax which is very easy. If you ever programmed in any other (also scripting-) language, you might be able to learn the syntax in just a few hours and start programming like a pro!

As you can also program in Assembler and don't know which language to choose: Technically spoken, you are free to choose whatever language you like, C, ASM or mix it only when necessary. But be aware: the learning curve for ASM is very steep, and if you don't need to squeeze out the very last mililisecond or spare another byte, it is recommended to code in C.

Hint for beginners: You will soon find out, that it's no problem to add and subtract; it's slightly more difficult to multiply, but actually very complex to divide. One possibility to avoid multiplications and divisions (beside the use of ASM code snippets inside the C-Code) is the intelligent use of bitshifting techniques. So buy yourself a good C book or find a webpage and read carefully about bitshifting operations. Also see C Tips and Tricks for PIC Programming.

MIDI Specification also contains some useful informations.

Setup & Install



Most people will want to use The QuickStart Guide! It's the quick and easy setup. It will work for nearly everyone.

Quick Start Guide Most users just want to download the source, configure the code for their hardware, and compile it. If that's you, and you're familiar with Windows, the Quick Start Guide will get you up and running, quick and easy. If you have any problems, or want to know all the gory step-by-step details, you may prefer the Detailed Setup Guides. If you follow these guides exactly, you can't go wrong :)




Platform independent

References, Tipps & Snippets

General (C & ASM)

  • MBHP acronyms ← Abbreviations overview for a better understanding of the Function Reference List


  • Using PIC18F4620 – How to use the newer PIC18F4620 with a lot more cool features together with MIOS v1.9
  • Using PIC18F4685 – How to use the newer PIC18F4685


  • MIOS LCD Offsets - How MIOS LCD Offsets work with various display types
  • Character LCDS - find there the link to the famous special character creator of Cpt. Hastings
  • Graphical LCDS - find there the link to the famous GLCD character creator of Cpt. Hastings

Coding in C

Coding in ASM

MPASM/MPLab are no longer used for MIOS. The new tool isGPASM