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====== MIDIbox SEQ V4 Lite (V4L) ====== //FIXME Update Things// [[| Overview/User Guide]]\\ [[|MIDIbox SEQ Forum]] In addition to reading the [[|V4L User Guide]], it may also be helpful to read over some of the MIDIbox SEQ V4 documentation, since the V4L inherits most of its features from the SEQ V4. * **[[mididocs:v4l:midiprocessing|The V4L as a MIDI Processor]]** - It's not just a sequencer! The V4L can also be used to process incoming midi signals. All incoming MIDI can be forced-to-scale, and effects (like delays and LFOs) can be applied to selected channels. With a configuration change, the processed notes can go out on the same channel they came in on.

mididocs/midibox_seq_v4l.1467032215.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/06/27 12:56 by psykhaze